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Featured Financial Project:
Fullerton Community Bank
Orange County, CA

Fullerton Community Bank engaged Phoenix Planning to work with them to update their existing branches whose architectural appearances were outdated.  This process led to conversations with different departments within the Bank to take this opportunity to develop  “branding” for the bank, manifesting in contemporary design elements that could be implemented throughout their branches regardless of their configuration. The most dramatic of the elements was the signature “ceiling canyon”:  a curvilinear solution to highlighting the newly designed teller line and customer circulation and queing.  The new teller lines were expanded, often curved, to accommodate additional teller windows and ADA accessible windows.  The ceiling canyon, edged with neon tubing, followed the curve of the teller line and was raised in the middle to promote a sense of soaring.

Teller Line & Queue
Teller Line & Queue
Office Area
Teller Line & Queue
Teller Line & Queue
Teller Line & Queue

© 2017 Phoenix Planning & Construction Services, Inc.

6B Liberty, Suite 210

Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

T: (949) 581-9370

F: (949) 581-9444

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